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  (5 reviews)
Scare Factor
A little Scary
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Parental discretion
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Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly)
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2 Awards Received

2 Awards Received

Scariest attraction in Rexburg! Check website and Facebook page for more information.
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  • Email Verified Loved It

    Our experience at Scare Tower was great. I must admit that this has been one of best haunted attraction I've been to so far. The scare tower made us jump in fright and we kept laughing at ourselves and also others who were screaming out in scare. The 3D Straw Maze was the icing on the cake. It was such fun and definitely very creepy. The actors were good at scaring us throughout and the staff was friendly.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted November 2017

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Extremely Creepy

    Scare Tower is extremely creepy and haunted for sure. The Straw Maze was dark and haunted. The actors were good enough to play and scare us like real ghosts. This haunt is definitely made by people like us who love horror….each and every thing as given such perfection and made with much attention. I am sure that you all will definitely enjoy the Graveyard Scene, it was complete scary or spooky. Worth 5 stars!

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2017

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  • Great Time

    I and my friends had a great time at the Scare Tower. As we visited the place pretty late, we only got to visit the Straw Maze which was one of the best attractions. I am really thankful that we were able to make it to this place. The Straw Maze was complete fun especially in the late night as it was in the haunted mode. We would come back again in the morning next time to see what the day time maze has for us.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2017

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Great Haunt

    I've been to the Scare Tower every year since they opened 3 years ago. It's great partly because of the creepy old building which is scary to begin with but mostly because of the unique way they've decorated it up. Lots of rooms, lots of dark corridors, They even had a train tunnel out back by the railroad tracks complete with a blaring train horn, train light and rails. You walk down this tunnel on real tracks and then here comes the train!! The atmosphere was nice, it sucked you into the haunt. Lots of variety. Most people rush through these things, but I like to take my time and look at all the work that goes into a place. There was a lot of work that went into this place. Oh, and they change it up every year, or at least they have so far, so every year has been a new experience. I'm excited to see what they've done with the place this year.

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted August 2017

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • one of the most amazing haunted house in Idaho.

    When I went through this haunted house it was very interactive. My friends and I had a great time the actors were very good and convincing. Their make up was amazing most him you couldn't even tell that they were actually people. The detail in the haunted house was amazing we love to see the effort that people put in to their work instead of just putting a few items in her room these guys went all out. We got lost in the Funhouse it was hard is anything defined the exit. And they had all kinds of stuff before you went into the hot. They had a straw maze and a train ride for the kids. I've been to many different haunted houses around the country and this definitely is at the top of my list.

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted February 2016

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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