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Haunted Hallways Maze

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  (1 review)
Scare Factor
Moderately Scary
Appropriate For
All ages, but the little ones may get wary.
Organization Type
Charity / NOT For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Haunted Trails, Home Haunts, Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly), Haunted Ships
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Outdoor Event(s), Indoor Event(s), Covered Wait Area, Touching Not Allowed
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Better than ANYTHING on Harrison Boulevard guaranteed! Haunted Hallways Maze. Directly next door to the James Castle house. The maze starts at one side of the property and continues around our entire property. It takes about 20-40 mins to make it through the entire experience. Unique handmade creatures guaranteed to give you the heebie-jeebies. Maze features The Mighty DollRoom, which can cause you to never look at baby dolls the same again. The bowels of the pirate ship, Clown college, Alien Probe Station are also spooky attractions. This home haunt maze is in its 6th year and continues to grow every year especially with the support of the neighborhood and interest from the surrounding area. Hopefully we can continue to build on the vision of one man and his family. The more people that come to experience Haunted Hallways, the more its creator becomes inspired and his commitment intensifies. There will never be a cost (other than your soul) at our home-haunt. The sound of screams and shrieks is all the pay we accept. Ok ok ok, its hard for me to say (but the family is making me) we do accept donations to help with the out-of-pocket expenses and time. But trust me, it's for the people, so don't feel pressured. Free is our policy.

Hours of Operation: We will open October 18th 2024 We will be open 24 hours for the most part. Self guided.

Admission Costs: FREE Donations appreciated
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Haunted Hallways Maze

Recent Reviews

  • #1 A+++++ Best Family or otherwise haunted house in Boise

    This gentleman (and any helpers he may have which I hope he has some!) has been doing this for years at no charge except for charitable donations. It is absolutely mind-blowingly amazing and super fun and if you like Halloween you sincerely must check this place out it is a blast and also free or you could be a superstar and donate money to good causes man! Don't let this guy down and skip over this great place you need to try it out and give props where props are due. It's not easy to turn your property into an entire mind blowing a haunted hallways experience and he does it every single year this guy deserves a bazillion awards. Thank you Mr Cochran for doing yet another amazing haunted hallways this year in 2023 for Halloween we love you!

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2023

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Haunted Hallways Maze
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